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Holographic Film

Events, performing arts, museums
exhibitions, points of sale

The Filmapix holographic film is a 97% transparent film with an adhesive side that is placed on a flat transparent surface such as glass or Plexiglas. A projector placed behind the surface will send an inverted image that will be fixed on the film. The surface will act as a screen while keeping its transparency.

easy to use

The holographic film is applied to any transparent surface (plexiglass, glass) and instantly transforms it into a screen capable of receiving the beam of a video projector.

ideal for events

the use of holographic film requires a certain darkness, so it is the ideal solution for events whether it is shows or conferences, but also for permanent or ephemeral exhibitions and animation of points of sale

guaranteed impact

The hologram always surprises and amazes as much, you are sure to create a wow effect by broadcasting in hologram on holographic film everything you want including people


The use of Filmapix is ideal for retail outlet display animation, but can be used for many other occasions, particularly for entertainment.

Below 2 diagrams showing possible logistics involved in developing this process. The projector can be placed at the top or bottom, or even on a horizontal surface.

Nos prestations

Sale per linear meter of filmapix holographic film and projector if desired - 1 linear m = 1.52 m wide

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Assistance in the design of your custom project,
advice, follow-up,
recommendations etc

Creation of your video file to broadcast in hologram on your holographic film

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